symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can occur at any age. Most often this disease occurs in the elderly, and not only neck injuries can be observed. However, there is currently an exacerbation of the dystrophic processes of the neck in young people who are mainly engaged in mental work. It should be understood that it is very difficult to completely cure cervical osteochondrosis, but it is possible to stop its progression and significantly improve a person's well-being.

Reasons and mechanism of formation

Cervical dystrophic processes begin slowly. The most significant causes of the disease are a sedentary lifestyle and violations of some types of mineral metabolism.

If you eliminate the causes that provoked osteochondrosis of the neck, some of its manifestations can be successfully treated. Otherwise, if the action of the cause continues, the person's condition will only worsen.

Under the influence of the main cause that caused osteochondrosis of the neck, the following changes occur:

  • the starting point is congestion of the lymphatic and circulatory system;
  • then there are degenerative-destructive changes in the intervertebral disc, which acts as a shock absorber between the vertebrae; its height and plasticity decrease;
  • slightly later, there are growths of bone tissue of the vertebrae;
  • causes of cervical osteochondrosis
  • all this leads to a limitation of the mobility of the spine, to an increase in pressure on the vessels and nerves that pass through the bony apparatus of the spine.

The sooner the appropriate treatment is initiated, the greater the chances of slowing the progression of the disease and even healing the person completely.

An aggravation of the disease can be caused by any external or internal influence. It can be a viral infection, cold, significant physical activity, even spikes in atmospheric pressure. The stronger the cause that caused the exacerbation, the more pronounced the signs of the disease.

Characteristics of cervical osteochondrosis

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis gradually grow, at the beginning of the disease they practically do not bother the patient. Dizziness may only be noticed occasionally. However, cervical osteochondrosis cannot be ignored - symptoms in the later stages of the disease are difficult to eliminate.

Since the cervical spine is directly connected to the brain, in the event of degenerative changes in this particular area, numerous central nervous system disorders will be noted. This is due to a progressive and increasing deterioration of blood circulation and metabolic disturbances in the brain.

In many patients, symptoms suggestive of brain damage may first be observed:

  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • burning in the temporal region and widespread headache;
  • the temperature rises less often to low values.

In combination with the symptoms above, there are signs of damage to the neck itself:

  • pains that eventually begin to radiate to the back, arms, neck;
  • limited mobility, when you tilt or turn your head, you feel a sensation of crackling, creaking, numbness or burning in the neck;
  • your body temperature is normal.

As osteochondrosis progresses, the person's condition will worsen, exacerbation will occur more often and more strongly, it will be very difficult to completely cure a person over time, it will be possible to relieve his suffering only a little.

Unlike inflammatory processes, the temperature rarely changes. In the later stages of osteochondrosis of the neck, exacerbation practically does not go away, there will be severe combined damage to the brain and spine:

  • jumps in blood pressure or persistently high hypertension;
  • constant dizziness and headache, which get worse with light exertion;
  • pain, burning and limited mobility of the neck;
  • body temperature may rise slightly, but more often it remains normal.
consequences of cervical osteochondrosis

The so-called vertebral artery injury syndrome occurs quite often, when the degenerative-dystrophic process covers half of the neck. Such a person almost constantly experiences a throbbing headache, pressure and burning in the temples, congestion and tinnitus, when turning his head - dizziness and even loss of consciousness. It is nearly impossible to cure vertebral artery compression syndrome.

In some people, on the other hand, signs of damage to the upper limbs can be observed (with predominant alterations in the cervical and brachial plexus):

  • burning or numbness in all parts of the upper limbs;
  • dizziness is rare;
  • decrease in skin temperature.

The consequences of osteochondrosis can be quite serious: persistent headaches and dizziness, impaired memory and attention, constant numbness of the entire neck.

Methods of treatment

Almost complete restoration of the initial state of the osteoarticular apparatus can be achieved only in the early stages of osteochondrosis and after the elimination of its cause. An exacerbation of the disease requires even more intensive treatment. In the later stages, the goal of treatment is to relieve pain, dizziness and inflammatory changes. You can cure cervical osteochondrosis with the help of such means as:

  • chondroprotector to restore the original structure of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • multivitamin complexes with a high content of B vitamins to improve the trophism of nervous tissue;
  • nootropics for the correction of severe disorders in the brain tissues;
  • a complex of physiotherapy and massage exercises (if severe dizziness and hypertension do not occur);
  • physiotherapy (water, iontophoresis, magnetotherapy), while the temperature and pressure of the factor should be sufficiently high and combustion is considered a positive effect.

Much in the treatment of osteochondrosis depends on the patient himself. The earlier the necessary therapy is started, the more carefully the person fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, the greater the chances of success and a decent quality of life for the patient.